5th generation i7 processor
5th generation i7 processor

5th generation i7 processor

The most widely adopted notebook processors currently are those from the 4th Generation Haswell Intel Core U-series family, such as the i3-4030U, i5-4210U and i7-4510U. You can find this brand new processor breed in a few ultra-thin convertible laptops such as the Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro. The 5th Gen Core series CPUs, known as Broadwell, started shipping last year in form of the Intel Core M 5Y70 with a lower-mid-range performance, very low power consumption, and potentially fanless cooling.

5th generation i7 processor

Intel today officially announced the 5th Generation Intel Core i3, i5, and i7 processors for laptops and other mobile PC form factors such as 2-in-1 systems.

5th generation i7 processor